Tuesday, September 24, 2019

weight-loss goal

I don't see any reason why I can't lose 15 kg in a month. I lost 10 kg last time around while eating anything and everything on the trail. If I truly do swear off soda, stay away from convenience-store junk food, and otherwise lay off the carbs (except for whatever carbs are part of a normal Korean meal, e.g., a bowl of rice), my weight really ought to plummet.

They say a pound of body fat is about 3500 calories. If I'm burning 5000 to 6000 calories per day and ingesting around 2000 calories, that puts me at a daily caloric deficit of 3000 to 4000 calories, i.e., an average of 3500 calories per day, or a pound of fat per day. Walking for 27 days (my tee shirt mistakenly says 28 days... gonna have to change that when I redo the design), I ought to lose 27 pounds, which is only 12.25 kg. Not quite 15 kg, but pretty close.

Then again, while I'm camping, I won't be eating anything other than Survival Tabs, which means I'll be ingesting under 500 calories for four days out of the walking month. So that might translate to more weight loss and push me closer to my 15-kilo goal. Only time will tell. The cool thing about losing that much weight is that, toward the end, it'll be almost as if I didn't have a backpack at all, given that my pack weighs in at a base weight of 11.5 kg. Cool.

Upshot: I'll still be fat by the end of this walk, just like last time. (I could stand to lose about 35 kg.) But I'll be noticeably less fat, I think.

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